sábado, 11 de abril de 2015


  • Council of Europe, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Available on: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/Cadre1_en.asp [Last accessed: 10 April 2013]
  • Decreto 82/2007, de 24 de abril, por el que se establece el Currículo de Educación Primaria para la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura.
  • Gallardo Durán, Gemma María. “Mr. Caterpillar’s strange adventure”. Unit of Work adapted from Carle, E. (1990). The very hungry caterpillar. London: Puffin Books.
  • Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación.
  • Orden de 24 de mayo de 2007 por la que se establecen determinados aspectos relativos a la ordenación e implantación de las enseñanzas de Educación Primaria reguladas por la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación.
  • Ramsden, Joanne.2010. “5. Food”. MacMillan Education. Natural and Social Science. Primary 1”Oxford: MacMillan Pp 145-161

Atención a la diversidad

In this classroom, there are three students with special needs. One of them has a curricular adaptation, as he does not manage to achieve his classmates’ level. Thus he normally works on his books of early childhood whilst his classmates work on Science. The second one is a girl that has motor skills problems and is only able to see with one eye. However, this student does not have a curricular adaptation, but needs continuous support. Finally, the third student with special needs is one fast finisher student.
Thus, we add to this didactic unit some extra activities for these students. For the one with a curricular adaptation we have created two activities in order to make him participate and learn the more important part of the unit when possible. The first activity consists of colouring food in a hand-out. In the second activity, he has to cut healthy food from a magazine and stick it in his notebook. Furthermore, this boy also participates in some of the easiest activities and games proposed for his classmates, in case that the teacher considers it to be appropriate.
On the other hand, the girl with motor skill problems is able to do exactly the same as her classmates. The only issue is that she is easily distracted and he does not see nor move properly. Hence, we have provided the classroom with a digital board so as not to make her move to another classroom to use the ICT’s. On the other hand, she has a continuous support by the teacher and the support teachers as both parts work closely.
Finally, for the fast finisher student, we have one online activity available at the web page http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/word-games/find-the-pairs/fruit (British Council) called “Fruit”. It consists of finding and remembering where the food images and words are hidden and linking each name to its picture. Moreover, the second activity that we have for this fast-finisher student consists of colouring in red the food that comes from animals and in green the food that comes from plants in a hand-out.

Criterios de Evaluación



Teaching objectives
General objectives
Foreign language objetives
Science content targets (British-Spanish curriculum)
To review the names of the colours.

To learn new vocabulary about food.

To promote the listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.
b, f
1, 4, 6, 7
The Human Body and Health:

- To understand that humans need food and water to stay alive.
To learn new vocabulary.

To remember the meals that we eat each day.

To develop the writing skill through the use of ICT’s

To learn by playing.
b, f, i, j 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10
Living Things:

- To understand the importance of animals and plants for humans.
To foster the children’s motivation.

To promote significant learning.

To foster the autonomy and personal initiative.

To reinforce the learning of the Language skills.

To set knowledge through the interaction with ICT’s
b, d, f, i, j 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
The Human Body and Health:

- To understand that humans need food and water to stay alive.

- To classify foods according to their origin i.e. animal, plants and minerals.
To become aware of the fact that there is healthy and unhealthy food.

To distinguish food that is good for us and food that is not.

To set knowledge through a practical activity.

To foster group work.
b, f, j, k
1, 2, 6, 7, 9
The Human Body and Health

- To understand that humans need food and water to stay alive.

- To recognise the importance of exercise and a healthy diet to look after our body.

- To be aware of health problems as a consequences of nor looking after ourselves properly, e.g. cold, tummy ache, tooth decay.

Living Things

- To understand the importance of animals and plants for humans.
To know and practice healthy habits.

To promote the listening, writing, reading and speaking skills.

To recognize how to make a healthy recipe.

To learn British culture.
b, d, f, h, j, k 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9
The Human Body and Health

- To understand that humans need food and water to stay alive.

- To recognise the importance of exercise and a healthy diet to look after our body.

- To be aware of health problems as a consequences of nor looking after ourselves properly, e.g. cold, tummy ache, tooth decay.

Living Things

- To understand the importance of animals and plants for humans.
To evaluate the learning of each student in the unit.

To end the unit with a motivating activity in order to set and reinforce knowledge.
b, f 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9
Living Things

- To understand the importance of animals and plants for humans.

Contents & Attitudes

Bloque 1. Listening, speaking and interacting
Bloque 2. Reading and writing
Bloque 3. Language knowledge through its use
Bloque 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural conscience
Linguistic knowledge
Reflection on learning
Learning vocabulary related to food (Related to 1 and 2)

Understanding simple sentences (Related to 1)

Learning simple structures with the verb “to be” (Related to 4)

Assimilating English pronunciation (Related to 1)

Learning the structures “wash my hands” and “brush my teeth” (Related to 2)

Identifying vocabulary related to the food (Related to 2)
Reflecting on healthy habits (Related to 1)

Learning the origins of food (Related to 1)

Becoming aware of healthy food and healthy habits.
(Related to )
Getting to know healthy habits (Related to )

Learning British/ American culture related to food (Related to )
Listening to the story of “Mr. Caterpiller” (Related to 2)

Reflecting on the story of “Mr. Caterpiller” (Related to 3 and 4)

Speaking with a proper intonation (Related to 3)

Participating orally in activities and games (Related to 3 and 4)

Listening and pronuncing English sentences (Related to 1, 2 and 4)

Interacting with the classmates (Related to 3)

Talking to the teacher in the oral exam.
(Related to 2 and 3)
Reading vocabulary and sentences related to the food (Related to 1)

Writing vocabulary related to the food (Related to 3)

Writing in the digital board (Related to 4)

Writing a recipe (Related to 3)

Reading Healthy habits song (Related to 1)

Writing an exam (Related to 3)
Speaking with a proper pronunciation (Related to 1)

Reviewing vocabulary by playing (Related to 2 and 3)

Singing a song (Related to 1)

Creating posters related to the food (Related to 3)

Playing Mr. Caterpiller's bingo

Using ICT's to learn the origin of the food


Classifying food according to its origin (Related to 1)

Using the verb “to be” (Related to 1)

Using the strctures “wash my hands” and “brush my teeth” (Related to 1)

Using repetition and memorization as a tool to remember sentences and structures (Related to 1)

Interacting with ICT's (Related to 2)

Asking for explanations and communicating with gestures as strategies of learning to learn (Related to 1)

Playing with flashcards in groups (Related to 1)
Making a BLT sandwich (Related to )

Listening to a story in English (Related to )

Using structures of the foreign language (Related to )

Paying attention to what the teacher says (Related to 2)

Wishing to improve English pronunciation (Related to 6)

Showing interest on the imitation of English pronunciation (Related to 6)

Respecting the turns of speaking aloud (Related to 6) [mirar el otro trabajo q “está mal”]
Showing a possitive attitude in group work (Related to 1 and 3)

Showing interest in each activity (Related to 5)
Showing interest while making the BLT sandwich (Related to 5)

Showing interest when they are creating the posters (Related to 5)

Showing interest when playing Mr. Caterpiller's bingo (Related to 5)
Respecting others (Related to 3)

Appreciating the English language as a tool for comunication (Related to 3)

Cooperating with others (Related to 3)
Showing interest in the tasks (Related to 2)

Paying attention to what the classmates say (Related to 2)

Showing interest in knowing about English culture (Related to 2)

Showing respect for the classmates (Related to 2)

Showing respect for the people who are different (Related to 2)

Key Competences
In this didactic unit we promote the “Competence in linguistic communication”, as the pupils have to participate actively in diverse activities and games. Moreover, we foster the “Mathematical competence” in one of the lessons when the children count the ingredients of a recipe.
Furthermore, we develop the competence in “Knowledge and interaction with the physical world”, with activities such as the one of going to the supermarket or the one of relating the different foods to their origins.
Besides, the “Information processing and digital competence” is also promoted, as the pupils use several activities both with the digital board and the computers. On its side, the “Social and citizen competence” is also reinforced, with group activities and the acquisition of a positive attitude towards the environment.
Additionally, the “Cultural and artistic competence” is developed with the elaboration of murals and activities like the Bingo Game, the BLT Sandwich and the recipe. In these activities, they foster their “Autonomy and personal initiative”, as they have to be creative and participating.

Finally one of the main aims of this unit is that the students “Learn to learn” as they assimilate how to discriminate food that is good for them with activities of classification and grouping. Besides, they learn how to classify ingredients and practice healthy habits at school to learn how to do them at home.

- To review the names of the colours.
- To learn new vocabulary about food.
- To promote the listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.
- To learn to describe things with the structure “The+subject+ is +adjective”
- To learn the structure “I am hungry”

Materials: “Mr. Caterpillar’s tale”, hand-outs, flashcards.
Starting routine: (5 minutes).
Warming-up: to start the lesson, the teacher introduces the story of “Mr. Caterpiller” This story is about a caterpillar which is very hungry and eats food that makes him become multicolor, according to the colour of the food he eats. Meanwhile, the teacher shows the flashcards with the food he mentions. This way the pupils learn names of food and their features and review the colours at the same time. (10 minutes).
Follow-up activity: Once the tale is ended, the teacher shows the flashcards again and the children have to remember the names of the food and say them aloud. Besides, among the flashcards there are some with the pictures of food that has not appeared in the story and the students have to recognize them and try to say their names. (5 minutes)
To go on, the teacher writes on the blackboard several sentences with the description of some food. The children have to read the sentences and guess which food is described in each sentence and stick the proper flashcard in the gap. For instance: “The _(Apple)_ is green” (8 minutes).
Ending activity: Finally, to set knowledge, the teacher hands them a handout where they have to write the name of the food that they see and colour Mr. Caterpillar in the colour that he becomes in the tale when he eats such food. (15 minutes).
Ending routine: 2 minutes

SESSION 2: “New food”
- To learn new vocabulary.
- To remember the meals that we eat each day.
- To develop the writing skill through the use of ICT’s.

Materials: flashcards, blu-tack, digital board.
Starting routine: (5 minutes)
Warming-up: after the daily routine, the teacher shows new vocabulary of food. To do this, he shows flashcards with pictures of the new food, asks the children to repeat the name and sticks them on the blackboard. Besides, to help the children to relate the image of the food to their written name, he sticks a flashcard with the written name below each of the flashcards with the pictures. (10 minutes)
Follow-up: once stuck, the teacher asks them which food we have for breakfast, lunch and dinner and he explains that English people do not have exactly the same for such meals. (8 minutes)
Game: later on, the pupils perform a game that consists of giving one of the flashcards stuck on the blackboard (the ones with the image) to each two children and changing the places of the flashcards with the written names. When the teacher pronounces the name of one of the flashcards, the pair who has it has to recognize it and to stick it in on the blackboard in the place where the flashcard with its written name is stuck. (10 minutes)
ICTs: Finally, to set the knowledge of how to write the vocabulary the pupils use the ICTs. They sit down in their desks and the teacher calls them one by one to write the names of the food that appears in the digital board (10 minutes).
Ending routine: (2 minutes).
SESSION 3: “ Food from plants and food from animals”
- To foster the children’s motivation.
- To promote significant learning.
- To foster the autonomy and personal initiative.
- To reinforce the area of Language.
- To set knowledge through the interaction with ICT’s

Materials: flashcards, poster, computers, JClic.
Starting routine: (5 minutes)
Warming-up: after the routine, the teacher teaches new vocabulary of food. To make this learning more dynamic, the children learn by playing a game. Thus, the pupils of each desk form a team. Then the teacher shows a flashcard and Team 1 has to guess its name. If they guess it, they keep the flashcard. However, in case that they do not say the proper word, it is turn for the next team. At the end of the game, the team that has accumulated more flashcards is the winner team. (10 minutes).
Follow-up: to follow up, the teacher explains that not all the food has the same origin. Thereby, to convey meaning, he sticks a poster on the wall where the differences among food that comes from animals and from plants are shown. To foster this knowledge, each student takes a flashcard. One by one, they go to the poster and say the name of the food that they have. Finally they stick it on its correspondent group. Moreover, to make this activity cross-curricular, each child claps as he names the food, indicating the number of syllables that the word has. Eg: “chicken”: “chi” (clap)- “cken”(clap). (13 minutes).

ICTs: Finally, the last part of the lesson consists on setting this knowledge by the interaction with the ICT’s. With this aim, we have created a JClic activity that consists of linking the different images related to the food with the image of their origin (15 minutes).

In this school, the lessons are forty-five minutes each. There are five Science lessons a week. Thus, this didactic unit is to be carried out in a week and a day of the following week so there are six sessions in all.
In the appendix, we enclose the timetable of this classroom, where the days and time of Science are distributed. It is taught forty-five minutes every day but on Thursdays, and one hour and a half on Fridays.
As this vocabulary is very basic but the children need to have a previous knowledge, it is going to be taught in the first term, after the teaching of the body and animals and before Christmas Holiday.


The school where we are going to carry out this didactic unit is a bilingual one called “CEIP Alba Plata”, located in Cáceres. The pupils in this school have a medium socio-economic level. This school is one of the only two bilingual schools of Extremadura which have an agreement with the British Council. In this regard, both MEC and British Council have developed an integrated Spanish-English Curriculum, based on the Spanish and the National British ones.
Concerning this, the teaching of English is based on the Immersion method and focuses on the study of various areas such as Literacy, Science and Art in English. Thus, this didactic unit is to be carried out in the area of Science.
The class where we are going to develop the unit is year one where the level of English according to the CEFR Council of Europe is A1. There are twenty-four children in this classroom. Among them, there is one boy with a curricular adaptation and one girl with motor skill problems who is only able to see with one eye. This student does not have a curricular adaptation, but needs continuous support. Finally, there is one fast finisher student.
The reason why we have chosen the topic of “food” is that we aim the children not only to learn vocabulary related to the subject matter, but also to distinguish the origins of the food, to recognize the food that is good for them and to help them to acquire healthy habits in their day-a-day.
Furthermore, we are going to develop this unit after the one of “Animals”. Thus, we expect that the children know previous vocabulary of the animals such as “cow, pig, hen or sheep”.


  • Introducción.
    • Justificación
    • Contextualización.
  • Planteamiento.
    • Objetivos
    • Contenidos
    • Actitudes
    • Competencias Básicas
    • Actividades
    • Temporalización
  • Evaluación. Criterios de evaluación
  • Atención a la diversidad
  • Bibliografía



What should be in a plan

We must to have in mind different formats depending on the trainer and the course, but a plan has to answer:

Who is going to be taught? We must to take into account the age and level of pupils and know the centres of interest

What they are going to learn and what am I going to teach and for what?, we have to have in mind the degree of difficult of the activity and the capacity of the students.

How they are going to learn?, we must have into account the methodology, intelligences and centres of interest.

We must to use different materials and activities, for example:
Temas transversales Transverse themes
Civilización o cultura Culture

When and how much I want to teach?

How to assess?

Rap de la violencia en las aulas

El rap de la violencia en las aulas
Interesante rap sobre la violencia en las aulas